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In French the word “Rêve” means “Dream”. For me the content of this post is a dream come true. A dream that required a very long journey to bring it to fruition.
As many of you know I lived in Europe for four years. I worked as a tour guide for the U.S.O and was blessed to have traveled to many wonderful areas experiencing the beauty and culture only Europe can offer.
The experience was in one word TRANSFORMATIVE.
When I returned to the states I worked as a features journalist for a newspaper, began writing Décor To Adore, received a degree in interior design (with an emphasis on French and English antiques) co ~ created Metis Linens and currently I am back in school majoring in art history and minoring in French.
Sense a recurring theme? Yes, France. Many of my longtime readers are aware of my deep and sometimes consuming love that I have for all things French.
To love France completely is to appreciate its land and the people ~ full of timeless beauty, with wonders such as lovely fashions, fine cuisine, beautiful art/architecture/furnishings and so much more.
For me there is nothing better than to immerse myself in research on a certain topic and then devote time to travel to experience it firsthand. I love to share the passion and experiences with anyone who will listen.
For a number of years friends, family members and even blog readers have asked when I would write a book sharing all the wonderful and sometimes secret details I have learned about this beautiful country.
The time is now at hand.

But such a project is a tremendous undertaking. One that needs to be shared. There was one person I knew who loves France even more than I do.
My friend Andrea lived in Paris for several years while she completed the three year course in art history at the Ecole du Louvre. Yes, that Louve.

Andrea has a beautiful home in the Burgundy region of France and among her many talents she has been a contributing writer and photographer for Romantic Homes Magazine.

Joining us will be Elizabeth Eiffel, an a Australian writer and photographer whose images always leave me wanting more.

Elizabeth is currently restoring what she lovingly refers to as “her French Folly” a beautiful home in a quaint village located in the Burgundy region of France.

Together we have been working on a series of French travel themed E books. It was a short debate on what we should cover for Volume I. There is nothing like Paris ~ the City of Light and Love.
This travel E book series will be vastly different than what is already flooding the market.
You will not find information on the Eiffel Tower, Arch de Triumph, or the Champs-Élysées. While those are all wonderful places to visit, we want to offer you over 100 pages of:
“Les trésors cachés de Paris”
translation: “The hidden gems of Paris”
You will also notice that there is no date on the (tentative) cover of Volume I. This is because the information contained within the pages of Rêve will be timeless. Much like France itself. Unlike a magazine, you will not want to eventually toss, recycle or delete this book, but refer to its fantastic content again and again.
Future volumes will cover areas such as Brittany, Burgundy, Provence… et plus (and more)!

Rêve ~ The French Lifestyle You’ve Dreamed Of.