14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Decorating Above The Kitchen Cabinets

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I shared with you on Monday that my dream kitchen would have cabinets built all the way up to the ceiling. I believe that this would help with the endless dusting that occurs when living in a dry dessert. But in my right now house I have cabinets that end a good 18 inches from the ceiling. 

So what to do? I like the idea of showcasing a collection. I am a big believer that it should be something that you might find in a kitchen. So enter in my antique French wire basket collection.

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I purchased my first French wire basket over 12 years ago at the Metz flea market in France.

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I love how the well worn handle was carved with “La Vannerie Metallique” which was probably the name of the company that made the basket.

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The basket sits propped up in the corner, visible all the way from the front door.

The strange thing about this photo ~ in real life the angel statue does not appear to have a bad case of the chicken pox. :)

You can also see one of my design secrets.

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When I want to alter the height of something I often use a clear glass votive holder on the tops of cabinets. You can’t see it when looking from ground level. 

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Moving on to the other side of the window is a vintage wire basket propped up with a clear plastic plate holder so that the detail can be seen.  A stone bird and faux Ikea plant round out the vignette.

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Right next to it are three more antique baskets. Two are egg gathering baskets. The third I hung from a nail in the wall.

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Here’s another secret. The tops of my cabinets are not flat. There is about a 2 inch indentation. So occasionally a good book is needed to prop something up to the right height.

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The book is barely visible from the ground view.

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In the center, over the stove, is an old sled I bought at a flea market in Germany. It was well used on snowy hills while we lived there. The wooden shoes came from a flea in Amsterdam. I am not a t shirt or trinket tourist. I like to select things that tell a story. Much like my living room gallery wall.

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Rounding out the collection are three more baskets.

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When decorating the tops of cabinets I climb up and down a step ladder at least 100 times.

First I may try a basket lying down to the left.

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Then I try it leaning to the right.

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It finally feels right to me just standing straight up.

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On the cabinet over the top of the refrigerator are my collection of Longaberger baskets.

This too was a work in progress. I tried all brown books.

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Then added a blue book.

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I also switched out a plant before it felt “right”. It’s a process to be sure.

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So those are my cabinet tops. Now some of you may be thinking “It looks pretty empty.”  It’s true, I am not a big fan of clutter.

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But I also have future plans to tuck in a few seasonal items here and there.

Do you change your kitchen cabinet décor to coincide with the various seasons? 


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