1 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

A Red Light Day

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Last Monday was truly A MONDAY. In the early morning hours I merely looked at my “to do” list and almost passed out from exhaustion. I needed three of me if I ever even hoped to get everything finished on the list. I am sure you can relate.

After a morning of unloading the dishwasher, scrubbing floors, packing a lunch and preparing breakfast I was eager with anticipation that Sweet Boy would soon be leaving to get on the school bus. As he picked up his backpack he said, “I am so excited that today is an early release day.” My brain processing this information was akin to slamming on the car breaks. “What?” I checked the school calendar. He was right. 

I think this is known as “throwing a wrench into the works”.

There was no way around it. He would be home at lunchtime. Even though I generally try to avoid it I had numerous errands that he would have to accompanying me on.

After the third or fourth stop of the afternoon I was DONE. But I still had three places I had to go. The clock was ticking away faster that I needed it to. As I hit the 800th red light of the day I groaned out loud and mumbled something along the lines of “waiting again…grumble, mffph.”

Sweet Boy piped up. “Mom, it’s ok. My homework is done, and we can just have Sunday dinner leftovers. There is plenty of time. If worst comes to worst the world wouldn’t END if the dry cleaning is picked up tomorrow. We can just spend the extra time at the red lights talking with each other.” 

Just like that the light turned green on more than one level.

"10% of life is what happens to us and 90% is how we react to what happens to us". ~ Charles R. Swindoll

Today my Sweet Boy turns 11. He is wise beyond his years.

My prayer this week is that I will react positively to stressful situations when in his presence.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” ~ Galatians 5:22

© 2012 Decor To Adore Laura Ingalls Gunn All Rights Reserved

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