4 Kasım 2012 Pazar


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We did leave for Vegas last Thursday. I kissed my sisters goodbye and decided to break in the shoes on the walk through JFK. On the way out, Alex handed me a little folded up baggie filled with what looked like used band aids. My sisters are weird, whatever. I liked that we were traveling backwards in time. I liked that I didn't trip walking through the airport in heels.

We got there and Josh told me that Vegas is known for buffets. That most buffets are terrible and you can eat a lot for very little money, but we were going to hit up nicer buffets for dinner. My only thought was, "These dresses are kind of skimpy; I don't want to get fat." Okay did you know there are casinos in hotels? And that you can smoke in them? It was really smokey!

Becca had told me that if I flirted well, I wouldn't pay for any drinks, but if I flirted badly, to announce I'd just turned 21 and ask who wanted to buy me a drink. I drank a lot Thursday night. Maybe a little too much. Okay definitely too much.

When I woke up Friday Josh suggested we get breakfast, but I wanted to check on my sisters. Maybe I was still a little drunk and it felt like a lot of time had passed since the day before. In the shower I heard the phone ring, and when I came out Josh was arguing with his father.

When they hung up, Josh turned to me and announced, "We need to go get drunk immediately." Hey that was the whole point of coming here - I wasn't going to argue. My thinking was that Vegas was for being buzzed or drunk at all times. We went to a buffet breakfast and I ate enough for the rest of the month. Josh was off through the meal, and I mentally gave it until the end of the meal for him to either tell me or get over it.

It didn't work out that way though, because Laurie called before we finished. To say the storm that was coming was going to be really bad. Much worse than just super heavy rain. Laurie claimed it was going to be like Katrina, with FEMA and states of emergency and schools shut down.

I walked off to call Dani. A couple of minutes later, I saw Josh get off the phone, and flop back in his chair looking annoyed. Minutes after that, Danielle said she had another call and had to go.

That is the story of how I wound up staying in Vegas for a week, and how my boyfriend's parents wound up staying in a hotel two buildings over with my sisters in an adjoining room. Which one sister whispered to me is weird. Which it kind of is. Apparently this is what Josh's people do - they flee bad weather.

As soon as the parents showed up, or maybe it was the sisters - I don't know - we both stopped drinking. Basically we all just hang out at the pool or go wandering around. Yesterday we went hiking in Red Rock Canyon. There was a shark reef field trip. After we got back from hiking (pro tip: do not hike in Chucks) when I went to take a shower, my sister pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door.

"This is weird. It's like a forced vacation. It's like our home is dying and we're not just at school this time, we're all the way across the country." Danielle's right. A vacation that you didn't plan on is nutty. I told Josh I wanted to sleep with my sisters tonight - it's also weird to go across the country to be together but be a block away. So now I am sitting on a bed with Alex sleeping next to me, and our swimsuits hanging in the bathroom to dry for tomorrow.

When we asked Laurie when we'll go home she said as soon as the electricity is back on. This is definitely not following the rules of Vegas. We're staying way longer than a long weekend and nobody is supposed to be in Vegas with parents.

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